Monday 17 July 2017

So The Doctor is a Woman

So what?

 I'd love to leave this post like that but as you've probably guessed, I have a few things to say.

 Firstly, I can completely understand why some people might be a little apprehensive about this, because if I'm honest, I was too when this was first announced.

 My concern was with the motives behind the choice to cast a female to play the traditionally male role. My initial thoughts were as follows: providing that this plot decision and casting choice was made because that was what they believed to be best for the show, I think it could really be great; however, if they have done it simply to make a political message, it could backfire. Firstly because, if that was their motive, the quality of the show could change and suffer which would create a negative response from viewers towards this new 'female doctor.' However, if they have chosen to cast this fantastic actress because her audition was the best and the quality of the show remains at a high standard, this could be really awesome. I hope they see that nothing has to change when writing these stories. A female lead is no different to a male lead surely?

 I see why people have a problem with it because it seems so sudden and strategic. Obviously, going into the science of the show, at any point in history the Doctor could have regenerated into a woman. However, the fact that we have had 13 regenerations and never had a female makes this one stand out oddly. I think it's brilliant; but with the recent story lines involving Missy and the Master, it all seems very deliberate and unauthentic. So I can see why people who grew up with the show and hold it dear in their hearts would be a little unsure about it. But I have only one thing to say to those people...

 Get over it. 

 My problem is not with people's uncertainties, I completely get it. My problem is the way people have made such misogynistic assumptions of what the show is going to be.

 On This Morning today, 17 July 2017, they opened the show with a Dalek repeating 'exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate.' What a load of shit, for want of a better word. 

 The Doctor isn't going to be running around reapplying lipstick or fluffing her hair. Please leave in the comments any lead female roles in TV or Film where this has been the case? Katniss Everdeen? Miss Marple? Hermione Granger? 

 People have gone as far as to say that they will never watch the show again. They wont even give the female lead a chance. 

 Over the years Doctor Who has slowly escape its subtly sexist formula of having a male lead and a female counterpart as a dependent love interest and with companions such as Donner and Bill, women have become a stronger and stronger part of the show. But suddenly, if the roles are switched, people don't like that. I am struggling to understand why. 

 We have had 12 white males play the Doctor. Let someone else have a chance.

 I hope that the writers do this change justice and give us a powerful female lead and good story lines to support it. I'm glad that there's a completely new dynamic to work with. 

 I just pray that the misogynists with a problem don't ruin it for Jodie. She will always be the First Female Doctor, give her a chance and give this a chance to be something great rather that tearing it down before it's even started. 

 This next season might flop, it could be one of the worst Doctor Who seasons. But lets consider the fact that we have a new writer, the views have been dropping for years, there will be a new companion this season. So many factors are changing. If the next season is unsuccessful, there will be more to it than the fact that the new Doctor is female. If you ask me, a Doctor with a female body is the least substantial threat the show has currently. 

 As a girl who grew up watching Doctor Who, my inner 7 year old watching David Tennant and playing with action figure monsters is so excited that a girl could play the Doctor. Let us enjoy it. I wish I hadn't had to write this at all, I wish a woman could be cast and that be celebrated rather than threatened. I guess there's still a long way to go. 

 I'll end this by asking you to just watch Jodie's first episode, and if you hate it fine. But don't rule the show out simply because 'she's a woman,' 

 We deserve better than that.

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