Tuesday 22 March 2016

Liebster Award Nomination | Chloe Hanks

I was so excited and honored to have been nominated by the wonderful Chloe Burston to take part in the Liebster Award blogger chain. The idea is that once nominated, you answer 11 question set by the blogger who nominated you and then you write 11 new questions. You then nominate more bloggers that you admire to answer your questions and then set their own and so on. I absolutely love the idea of this; it's a perfect way to discover new writers and also for your readers to get to know a bit more about you. 

 Here are the questions the fabulous Chloe (awesome name by the way) gave me to answer:

1.Why did you start blogging?
 Since a very early age I have loved words and creating things with them. I have always been an adventurous reader and writer and I had found myself abandoning that initial skill when I fell more in love with songwriting. Due to the fact that I can sometimes find music and performing a little overwhelming, I wanted to get back in touch with writing for my own purpose in a different style and a blog felt like the perfect platform to do that! 
2.If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
I really want to visit Santorini in Greece and I'd love to tour the states of America. 
3.What is your favourite makeup brand?
In terms of higher end products, Too Faced is my absolute favourite because their makeup is really well pigmented and their eye shadow pallets are stunning. For a drugstore brand I love Maybelline's foundation. 
4.Do you prefer Tea or Coffee?
Always coffee. Caramel Lattes are the love of my life. 
5.What is your favourite animal?
Dog. I'm a sucker for cats too though.
6.Are you currently reading a book if so what is it?
The Casual Vacancy - JK Rowling. 
7.Do you prefer taking pictures for your blog or the writing content?
Writing the content, always. I find choosing the right words a lot more creative that taking a picture, although the photography can be fun too. 
8.What is your favourite meal?
Anything Italian. 
9.What are your goals for 2016?
My main focus is my A Levels, and hopefully take and pass my driving test sometime this year. I'd also like to take some time for myself and hopefully become the best version of myself that I can be. I feel like thats a very vague answer but it seems like a good idea to always have bettering yourself as a goal. 
10.Name one beauty product you can’t live with out
Micellar Cleansing Water. 
11.Who is your favourite youtuber?
The Michalak Family are my favourite youtubers because their videos are stunningly edited and they put so much work into what they do. They're the most under-rated vloggers and just such humble and honest people. It's so inspiring to watch. 

I'd like to nominate the following bloggers to take part, simply because they are genuinely lovely people that inspire me and I have enjoyed their writing thoroughly!

Ellen Larson 

Jamie Bryson

Jessica Keitley 

Alix Evans

Here are the 11 questions I nominate these bloggers to answer:

1. Which writer has had the biggest influence on your written work?
2. What are the main inspirations behind what you write about?
3. What would you like to achieve in the next 5 years?
4. What fact can you name that not many people know about you?
5. What is your biggest pet hate?
6. Who is your favourite musician?
7. What is your go to comfort food?
8. What movie do you watch when you're sad?
9. What was the last song you listened to?
10. What is your favourite dessert?
11. Blogging aside, what is your favourite hobby?

 Make sure to nominate more bloggers and set your own 11 questions for them to answer. 

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