Sunday, 8 March 2015

Drug Store Beauty Favourites.

A lot of you really enjoyed my February Favourites post and so I decided to do something a little bit similar for you except drug store based. Despite my urge to upgrade a lot of my products to more higher end, mainly because I find it better value for money in the long run, I know a lot of people would rather spend their money on other things and so would benefit from knowing which products are best from somewhere like Boots and/or Superdrug where cosmetics are a lot cheaper. 

 I'm going to show you a few of my favourite products and let you know how I use them and why I would recommend them. 

 Starting with the love of my life: Maybelline. I LOVE Maybelline products and this foundation is the best thing I have ever discovered in my life. I didn't get on well with the Dream Matte Mousse when I tried it; I found it really dried out my skin and didn't give me very good coverage. I tried this and it's the perfect blend between a mousse and a liquid foundation. It sits so lightly on the skin and I just love it. I was gutted when I found that my local chemist don't stock it so I have to wait until I can get to a boots. If you haven't yet fallen in love with a foundation I really recommend you try this! 

Also from Maybelline: My favourite bronzer. This is the perfect three shade mix. I mentioned using this when I did my February Love Me Beauty makeup looks and it honestly works perfectly with any kind of makeup look you're going for whether it be a softer look or more dramatic. I actually have been using the bronzer that came in my Urban Decay On The Run pallet and I still prefer this. The three shade tones make it blend perfectly and look so natural. In the summer it looks stunning on your skin. if you're paler like me and struggle to blend your bronzer I would really recommend this product. 

Lastly from Maybelline, I'm not going to talk too much about this because it was in my favourties post the other week but this is the best eye shadow I have ever used. It blends perfectly, it lasts long and is such good value for money. The shades are gorgeous so pick yourself up a couple!

This next product I kind of found and tried by accident. I've never really taken much notice of the Seventeen counter and I'm not too sure why. I was looking for an amazing concealer and happened upon this one.
  I have a unfortunate arrangement of freckles surrounding my right eye and without make up they make me look like I have a black eye. I got sick of explaining this to people when they came up to me concerned at school asking who had beat me up... so when I tried this product I instantly fell in love. It covers any kind of problem you may have like the odd out of place army of freckles as well as under eye bags. I got in the habit of using this all over my face not just under my eyes so any blemishes you dislike will be history if you try this out!  I think I pay about £3-4 pounds for this and I apply it with my real techniques detail brush. Such an amazing product, there really is no reason for you not to try it out!

When I was just starting to get into makeup I was using a lot of Collection 100 because it's so affordable and easy to use. If you want to get into blending eye shadow - this pallet is perfect. It has 3 different combinations depending on how smokey you want to go and a highlighter. It has diagrams on the back showing you how to blend it and it's taught me everything I need to know. I usually use this pallet to blend out my 24 hour tattoo shades when I wear them. It works well with any products though. Really small to fit into a handbag and just a really good starter product if you want to experiment with eye shadow without spending too much money. 

I was very skeptical to try this product as I didn't really understand what it would do and how it would benefit me. After trying it, I'm still not sure how/what it does but I would never go back to not using it. If I forget to put it on, my eyes just look so tired and dull. Whatever is in this product makes your eyes look so much brighter and healthier. I really struggle with having bags under my eyes so this product is a god send! All you do it roll it under your eyes and then wipe away the residue and then apply your foundation/concealer over it. It's amazing. 

My final drug store favourite is the Real Techniques brush kit. I have always absolutely hated using my fingers to apply makeup but couldn't afford to buy a whole kit of expensive brushes so when I saw that I could pay about £20 for these four I went for it. You have a blush/bronzer brush, a foundation brush, a detail brush and a powder brush. I use all of them daily and they're so easy to use and to clean. They come in this handy sleeve to prevent the hairs getting damaged. If you want some decent brushes please try these ones out. They look so professional and are really good!

So those are my drugstore favourites. Keep posted during the next few weeks as I have my reviews of the Urban Decay On The Run and Too Faced Chocolate pallets coming up along with the makeup looks I created using them.  I will also be ordering my next Love Me Beauty box soon so you can expect the usual posts I do to do with that also within the next month. I'm trying out a few new products at the moment so expect a fair few reviews and 
Happy Sunday! Love Chloe x. 

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