2 posts in one weekend, how lucky are you guys! I wouldn't usually post this much in one go but I have so many ideas for blog posts I want to do and I'm so behind on what I have promised you and so I want to get a move on with things.
First and foremost I want to say a humongous thank you for getting my last post to 103 views. Seriously that is just incredible to me. That's pretty much 4x what any of my posts usually get and I am well and truly flabbergasted! Yesterday's post was probably the most personal piece of writing that has ever come from my fingertips and to receive so much support and love from you all was incredible. I'm sending you so much love and huggles right now!
Now, I hate to start complaining (again) but I'm afraid that's where I'm going because after falling so deeply in love with the Love Me Beauty box I have had my heart rejected and smashed beneath their feet and so I just want to explain to you why they won't be featured on my blog anymore which is unfortunate because I planned to feature them monthly (for free) and only managed to once. I also want to warn you in case you were planning on subscribing to them.
Now, like I previously mentioned in the Love Me Beauty blog posts prior to this one, I couldn't afford to pre-subscribe for more than one month because they insisted on having the multiple months subscriptions all paid at once which made the price extortionate. So, I subscribed for one month and planned to just renew this subscription when I could afford a box that month. I failed to see any flaw in this plan and do not understand what went wrong.
On the 5th of March my credits were supposed to be renewed so I could get another box; they weren't. I gave them about a week thinking something had gone wrong before I emailed them to make them aware of this issue. Now, I must give credit where credit is due, I had a lovely email back but despite them being friendly, there was a distinctive lack of information. They basically told me that my account had been cancelled and if I wanted to subscribe again I would have to use another email address.
This annoyed me slightly, I hadn't cancelled my account so who had? surely that cannot happen without me requesting? My Love Me Beauty account had always been a bit glitchy. Every single time I loaded the website I had to fill in the same beauty questionnaire because it didn't save my results. I kid you not I must have filled that thing in about 30 times. So, I decided to look elsewhere. There must be a package more friendly to my age group? Less pricey and more time efficient!

This box is less than half the price of the Love Me Beauty box and is so much better!
The presentation is a million times better than what I received from my single Love Me Beauty box and I think the way they fill the boxes is so much better:
You chose two products to try out rather than 4 like LMB. Despite this, I still prefer it. They then send you extras along with that so you get more than your moneys worth! This is better for me because it means I get to try out products I wouldn't necessarily have chosen myself.
I'll admit, I'll miss the products I could have gotten from Love Me Beauty, the March collection looked so good and I was really looking forward to ordering. Sadly, they've lost a customer!
I'll show you what my box from You Beauty looks like:
As you can see, the tissue paper looks so much more creative than the drawstring bags of Love Me Beauty history! And they include a little leaflet which tells you about the extra products they have included. They include such a range of products and I am so excited about what I'm going to receive in the future. They automatically take the £6.95 from your bank on the first of every month as a direct debit and so you don't have to pay upfront which is great for someone on a lower budget. Furthermore, it's quick to pick what you want, no filling out of forms or anything time consuming. I would recommend this beauty box to any younger beauty lover who can't afford the more expensive boxes!
I will be doing similar posts with these boxes as I was planning to do with the Love Me Beauty: Reviews & Make Up looks where relevant.
I like to keep you updated with whats coming up on my blog so here's my plan for the next month or so.
I haven't forgotten about my reviews and make up looks for the Too Faced and Naked pallets plus Nars lipstick I brought a few weeks ago - that's coming up soon! In addition to this, seeing as you love my lifestyle posts (fancy way of saying rants) I'm planning a couple more about some more subjects I care massively about so keep your eyes pealed. These take a lot more planning as I like to make sure I cover every detail and make them as well written as possible so bare with me!
Another thing I want to start doing is a feature I'm going to call 'Quick Tips Tuesday' where I will share some kind of tip with you whether it be beauty related or whatever! It wont be regular just whenever I have things to share with you. They will literally be a couple of paragraphs long.
Hope you are all well, I love you massive amounts. Goodnight and Happy Sunday!
With Love, Chloe x.
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