I also picked up one folder to keep any handouts or documents I may be given neat which I plan to keep at home to revise from.
I also picked up a pot of pushpins due to an offer. In my room at university I will have a cork board on the wall which I plan on decorating with fairy lights and photographs. I thought these would come in handy for putting that together as a way of cosying up my bedroom.
A few weeks ago I purchased this pencil case from New Look for under £5. It seems to dupe a Ted Baker design of a bow on the front. I grabbed this because it matches a bag I have had my eye on for a little while that could be a potential birthday present but theres never any harm in having a pretty pencil case.
That is pretty much it for my university haul because I have several refill pads left over from A Levels. There are still a few things I need to get but I think at this stage, it is best to keep things simple because your money can be used for more important things such as food!
I hope you have found this useful or interesting. Please feel free to comment if you think there is anything I have forgotten or may find useful!
I will be doing a Vital University Supplies Haul in the next week which I hope you will find useful!
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