Saturday, 31 January 2015

Why I Cut My Hair.

Ever since I was tiny I hated the idea of having short hair. My sisters both grew up to have lovely thick hair because they constantly had it cut short as young children; however, I refused to allow my mum to have my hair cut short because I hated it. 
 I think there is about a 2 year period when I look back in photo albums when, at the age of about 10, my hair was cut short because it was so fine that the ends just looked awful. 

 I've always taken really good care of my hair to make sure I never had to cut it again. I use products such as Moroccan Oil that keep it soft and strong and I never straighten my hair. However, I do get highlights done but this has never been much of a problem for me. 
 Over the last 12 months however, because I have always taken such good care of my hair, I have been volunteered to model my hair for my work. I work at a hair salon and so I allowed my hair to be coloured and styled for all sorts of events from hair shows to open evenings. Due to my hair not being used to such pampering, this was a big mistake. 

You can see here how bad the damage was.
 I remember the last time I had highlights done and I suppose my hair had just had enough! I woke up the next day with a ball of frizzy, damaged, burned hair sticking out of the side of my head. I was mortified. I tried combing it out but the hair was so crinkled that this just broke off at the ends. I decided to massage conditioner into the mess and tie it up for the day. When I washed the conditioner out that evening, the frizzy ball seemed to have revered itself but my hair was never the same after that. 

 For the last few months I have been battling to undo the damage. I've tried all sorts of damage repairing shampoos and treatments. Nothing worked. My lovely, healthy hair was gone. My boss cut out a good few inches of my hair which terrified me but it seemed to help. I still had horrible, dry bits of hair on my head but having it cut seemed to improve the feel of it. 

Since the cut, I'd been battling with my hair further and just got fed up. I was either pulling it back into a pony tail or pulling the front back into a half up-do type thing so the damage was hidden and I just started to think 'What's the point?' Why have long hair that you hate?

 So I decided to face my fear. It was a bit of a swift decision. I didn't ponder over it too much, I just said one day: 'I'm gonna cut my hair, I'm just gonna cut it all off' and that's I did. 

 The feel of my hair is just so much better. It looks healthier and I don't have to worry about it anymore. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted. 

 If you hate your hair and aren't sure what to do with it, my advice to you is just to take a risk. I used to hate the idea of having short hair but I don't think I've ever loved my hair more! I am so glad I did it!

 Don't forget to follow my blog on google+ and feel free to share any problems you have with your hair in the comments, I'm sure somebody will have some great advice for you:)

I love my hair now:)

Goodnight, Chloe x.

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