Wednesday, 31 January 2018

I Went to Wayland's for Coffee and Wrote a Sad Little Story

I wake up with dry lips every day. As I brush my teeth and then slather said lips with Nivea lip butter, my mind starts to flash like a supercut for a new blockbuster film. I see snapshots of the dream I had and then forgot immediately, I see the face of the lover who burned me years ago, I see the face of the one I tried to move on with, I see my dog who lives with my parents but I still expect to hear her scratch at the door each morning. I realise I am in a state of purgatory; stuck somewhere between having had great things and potentially having new great things.

I am the fork in the road, disrupting the clear path I had set out for myself.

I am the one who stands between me and a lucid state of happiness.

Until I can switch off from what was and what could be, I sit at the same desk each morning and coat my lips in raspberry scented butter. It does the job. I drink my coffee, think to myself how it’s not as nice as Wayland’s coffee but it’ll have to do seeing as £2.70 every day is a lot to spend on coffee.

That’s when his face flashes into my mind again. We’re approaching the two year mark that will round off when we last spoke, so why am I thinking of him now?

I realise what an awful person I am to have loved another since but have left behind so easily compared to the whirlwind of daydreams and sleep dreams the first has featured in recently.

An awful, awful person.

Perhaps, or perhaps I’m just lost, tripping over my shoelaces in a rush to tie them and so I ended up tying them on the wrong feet. All this time I just needed a change of shoes.

Does that metaphor work? I’m not sure it does.

I think about his hair and wonder if it’s still long and untidy like it used to be; a golden whisp, always soft and always looking right even though it was a mess. I wonder if he still makes the same kind of jokes, do the same phrases still spill from his lips… I wonder if there’s another girl adopting those mannerisms as her own in an intense attempt to become part of him.

Shake it off. You’re fine.

The last inch of coffee has gone cold, it doesn’t matter, I wasn’t enjoying it that much anyway. I’ll end up going to Wayland’s later I’m sure.

I pull my arm into my coat and almost feel my hand reaching for his like I did that night. In unison with a past version of myself, I pull my hand back. I don’t get to hold that hand anymore. It’s over. The end.

I leave the mug to be washed up later. I’m an adult now; I clean up when I feel like it.
I haven’t felt like it for a while, I can tell my mother was judging me the last time she was here. But I pay my rent and I cook my food and I decide.

I think I could do with tidying up though; if only you could tidy your mind like you can tidy a little room. If only I could pick up his hair and his hands and his lips and put them in a box to be locked away in that little cupboard above my wardrobe that I can’t reach properly.

If only I could dust away all the traces of that dream I had a few weeks back where everything was lovely and okay and I was happy and he was here.

Key in the door, light off, locked, gone.

When I get outside and put my playlist on, I forget for one moment.

One foot after the other, I find comfort in the noise my heels make on the tarmac; click, clop, click, clop. Only adults wear shoes like that, it’s these shoes that make me a woman, not him, not what we used to do when we were in love and the doors were shut and the lights were off. No. It’s the shoes. My brand-new shoes; no laces.

The tracks from Reputation play into my ear and I feel like a powerful woman; one who owns her heart and is in complete control of who is let through the gates. If only it were true though; if only I could control it.

I see him walk in front of me, dashing in front of the windscreen of his car to go and pay for the petrol. I see him turn his head to look back at me before he enters the garage. I see the way his eyes used to look when he looked at me. He hasn’t looked at me for two years and several months but I can see it.

There’s no one there of course, except one lady and her dog who stops to say hello to me and then forgets me once I have continued walking.

That’s what life is meant to be like; you get back up, you carry on walking and you forget: the past isn’t reality anymore.

But when you can still feel that buzzing in your chest that you haven’t felt for years despite holding hands with another man, you just cling on for dear life and you can’t let go.

I can’t let go of the box of things I kept under my bed; the necklace he bought me that got tarnished on my nightstand, I couldn’t bear to put it away. His guitar pick that I accidentally dropped into my guitar bag instead of his, the birthday cards, the concert tickets. Everything.

I can’t forgive myself for throwing it away, despite tears streaming down my face, when I packed up my things to move away.

I find myself wondering if he would ever forgive me for it.

I walk through the wind despite its brief threat of rain. I carry myself over foot bridges and pedestrian crossings; through streets of people in love or otherwise. My hands meet the door and I feel a small weight lift, I open it, I’m greeted with warm air and the soft smell of freshly brewed coffee.

For £2.70 I make it all go away for half an hour or so. 

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Changing My Body... in a Good Way

As a follow up to my brief #transformationtuesday post on Instagram, I wanted to share with you why I actively began to change my body and how I ended up in the state that I was in. 

Since the summer of 2016, I gained a lot of weight; partly due to my diet at the time but mainly as a result of my contraception. The side affects of contraception is a subject that I feel very passionate about, I don't believe that women are educated enough about what they're putting into their bodies and the consequences of it; but that's something I will write more about when I feel ready. 

Today's post isn't about that. Today I want to document my journey in more detail to aid any girls who have suffered the side affects I had suffered then and help put them on the path to put things right. You can reverse the weight gain; it takes a long time but it's possible.

I saw bloating in my face a lot which is something I am extremely affected by but unfortunately not something I have reversed just yet. However, I have figured out a fitness plan that is really helping me reshape my body and feel comfortable in my skin again. I thought I'd share with you what that is and how I keep myself motivated.

Here is a picture of what my body looked like when I first starting using the gym at Uni. I try to do an hour of cardio at the gym; usually starting on the cycling bike and finishing on the cross trainer. I then use the mats (if they're free, they're usually not) to do some circuit training exercises. I have also starting dabbling with weight machines but I don't really know what I'm doing and my social anxiety begs me not to make a fool of myself in front of the 'hench gym rats' so I save muscle stuff for home workouts. 

I noticed a huge change almost weeks after I started using the gym; mainly in terms of how I felt emotionally rather than physically. Even though I still wasn't happy with my body, I found comfort in knowing that I was doing something about it and I was getting healthier. 

I knew I needed to build muscle having started to loose weight; one YouTube account has really helped me to get a good home workout regime sorted. Lucy Wyndham-Read creates amazing home workout videos ranging in difficulty level and covering all sorts of weight loss concerns. I have used her videos to put together a bum, abs and bust workout that really makes me feel like I'm getting stronger and fitter. I use 1.5kg weights just to stretch myself further; I'm hoping to up to 5kg by the summer. I have noticed a bigger change from home workouts than actually using the gym. This is mainly in terms of how I feel the next day; my muscles ache more from home workouts which is how you know it's working. I still go to the gym at least once a week but I workout every other day; the other days being at home.

My diet has remained pretty much the same; I still snack... a lot. The main change I have made is being more conscious of protein which is so important if you work out. I am no longer exclusively vegetarian; a long battle with the flu and brief bout of depression made me suffer a complete loss of appetite, I added chicken back into my diet just to get me eating something. I planning on this being temporary; I hope to cut meat back out of my diet as a learn to cook and expand my pallet a little more. 

I know I could never cut out the treats that I love, and I don't particularly want to. I am not planning on becoming a complete fitness advocate; I believe in enjoying food the way that works for me. However, eating a little healthier is always good. 

This is a picture I took recently when shopping for new gym clothes that illustrates the changes I have made already and hope to continue developing. It's honestly so easy to make a change, the sooner you start, the less you have to reverse. It makes such a difference to your confidence and mood if you know you're actively trying to change. I hope this has been helpful; good luck!

Body positivity is not vanity or over-sharing.