It's that time of year again. As I snuggle down in my favourite jumper to write this post, I am accompanied by the soothing sound of the November rain on my window. It's cold and it's dark- but it always feels quite festive from the comfort of inside doesn't it? I've recently read some books that have got me into the Christmas spirit (of which you are about to read) and so I wanted to write something to help anybody stuck on the Christmas shopping. If one of your loved ones is a book lover, pay attention. Here is my list of my top 10 books that I've read this year that I think any bookworm would love! They're in no particular order, they're all fab; I couldn't possibly rank out a favourite.
1. All The Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr. Some of you may remember my post from a few months ago reviewing this captivating novel. I put it on my Christmas list last year with no real idea of what it was about. I knew I wanted to get back into reading, and so I went onto amazon and wrote down random titles and this happened to be one. Still to this day, it is my favourite book. It's articulately written and just phenomenal. Never have I been so heart warmed by a story line or touched by characters. Whenever anyone asks me to recommend a book, this is the title on my tongue. Always. It is a work of pure art. Beautiful. If you know somebody who is interested in History, or drawn to emotional stories, this is the book for them. If you want to know more, click here. It will forever be my favourite and the story stays with you. 2. The Bloody Chamber - Angela Carter. This book is for somebody who is still attached to Fairy-tales. If you love writing that is carefully crafted and shows abundant skill, this is the book for you. I didn't think I was going to like it. I had to read it for my A Level Creative Writing and fell in love with it after the first sentence. It's a series of short stories. It's not time consuming or difficult to read. It's beautiful and honest and real. It's not for the fainthearted, and if you're drawn to disney-like fairy stories with happy endings, this isn't your book. But if you appreciate honesty and genuine talent in what you read, you'll love this. She has quickly become one of my favourite writers and I am drawn to read more of her work. 3. The Girl on the Train -Paula Hawkins. Read it before you watch the movie. If you know someone who enjoyed 'Gone Girl,' they will love this. Hawkins use of Byronic-heros captures your attention from the beginning and it's not a book you can put down easily. I read it over the summer in about 2 days. It's wonderful in it's ambiguity and draws you in to the real lives of several characters, none of whom you really like that much. It's a way of story-telling I had never before experienced and it's perfect for somebody who enjoys thrillers- or someone who likes to know what everyone is raving about! I haven't yet seen the movie but I always recommend book first. 4. The Book Thief - Markus Zusak.
This is such a touching story. It's a children's book, so if you have a child who enjoys history or is learning about the war, this would be perfect. It's an easy read but will challenge younger readers into learning new words. I loved it as a Creative Writing student because it encouraged me to consider different narrative styles. However, it can be appreciated from a non-academic view. If you love a story that will pull on your heartstrings, this is for you. It's touching, beautifully written and unlike anything I have read before or since. 5. Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn.
Another book that I got for Christmas last year, this time not on so much of a whim. I had been told about it by so many different people and just not had the time to pick it up. At that point, I really wanted to get back into reading because I hadn't had much time for it over the few years preceding. This book managed to draw me back into stories. It's brilliant. It keeps you hooked, it frustrates you but entertains you at the same time. I found it really inspiring when writing my coursework last winter. Anyone who has a passion for good story-telling will really enjoy this book. 6. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald. This choice may seem a little odd considering my vast majority of new releases. However, I include this for people who are beginning to become more curious about classic literature. It's one thing to love reading, but it's another thing to love literature. Often, classic novels can be tough to read if they were written in different time periods. It's harder to understand the messages or to relate with the characters. The Great Gatsby is the book that changed that for me. I fell in love with it from the moment we started studying it in my English Literature group. Since then, I've found myself drawn to classic literature. I am in the process of collecting the work of Fitzgerald. I've also found myself exploring the classic literature sections in book shops and familiarising myself with the works of Steinbeck, Agatha Christie and even Hawthorne and Hemingway. It's good as a literature student to stretch your knowledge of classic novels, but it's also brilliant to be able to enjoy them for the brilliant story telling and skill. Gatsby inspired me to read a wider range of books and to be more ambitious when choosing what to read. I think any book-lover would enjoy reading a classic! 7. The Snow Child - Eowyn Ivey. I finished reading this the other day. I can't seem to shake off that feeling of nostalgia from finishing a good book; when you know you wont be following those characters anymore or know what happens next. This story not only got me feeling Christmasy with the cohesive setting of a harsh winter with snow and ice skating etc, but the story was so heart warming, I want everyone to read this book. It's so beautifully written. It's like nothing I have ever read before. I was led to it through Angela Carter and the theme of retelling fairy-tales, but Ivey really made the story her own. You could feel how much she loved the characters bleeding through each page. It's a stunning read. I would recommend anyone who likes reading to read this. It's truly stunning. 8. Milk & Honey - Rapi Kaur. This quirky but emotional collection of poetry is one of my favourites I've read this year. The structure and meaning behind each poem is captivating as a Creative Writing student. I feel that writers themselves will love this, someone who can appreciate the craftsmanship behind it. You have to love poetry, you have to be in touch with emotion. It's not a story of characters but it's a story of feelings and the progression of emotions. It's beautifully written and a perfect gift for someone who loves words. 9. Norwegian Wood - Murakami. This was my first experience of Japanese fiction recommended to me by a work colleague. Despite being a truly sad story, it leaves you feeling touched and almost comforted. It's completely raw in it's honesty and definitely for a mature reader. If someone loves a simple story line and complex characters, this is a great book for them. It's easy to read, gripping and well translated. It's just a lovely story, despite the tragedies behind it. I have been inspired to read more of this writer's work; it's a book that will definitely make you want to read more. 10. Me Before You - Jojo Moyes. A story that has driven me to tears more than once, this is a book that I feel everyone should read. Despite being a truly sad story, this book made me laugh, cry and everything in between. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a story as much for the pure content. It's a book that every book lover should read. I couldn't imagine anyone not enjoying this story. My mum and I have began collecting Jojo's work since reading it, just wanting to read more stories like this. The sequel, 'After You,' is also wonderful! If you love a good story, this is a book for you. Thank you for reading this post. I hope this has been helpful to anyone looking for new books to read or looking to buy someone a Christmas present. Please follow my blog and keep up with future posts!