I started collecting tattoo ideas when I was about thirteen. My mum has had tattoos since before I was born and I've always loved them. Obviously people have different opinions on that kind of thing but I think it's a lovely way of expressing who you are at different points in your life which I will go into in more detail later on.
My first tattoo I had done in Stratford Upon Avon when I was doing my a levels. I'm a literature student so I wanted to get something that captures my favourite book/artwork which is Alice in Wonderland. I always loved it as a kid and around the period where I was 17-18 I found myself turning to the illustrations a lot as artwork and I ended up watching the Disney cartoon whenever I felt a little down. It felt right at the time that it should be my first tattoo.
It's a kind of awkward story to tell because the tattoo originally didn't end up how I wanted it. I'd selected pictures of something that implemented the original illustrations but the artist wanted to change it slightly because they're too detailed to do as small as I wanted. I absolutely love the tattoo, but now that I know more artists and have found people who can do more intricate work, I wish I'd looked around a bit more for someone who could do it exactly how I wanted. The original tattoo cost £40 and the pain wasn't too bad, (that I can remember).
I wasn't given much information about aftercare and ended up using coconut oil on the tattoo (don't do that,) the trouble with oil based care is it dries the skin out too much and you end up putting more on to compensate and so the tattoo basically scabbed up weirdly in a way that none of my others have and when it was healed huge chunks of it were discoloured. I have since been told that this was probably due to the oil as well as the placement of the tattoo because wrists are easier to damage because your clothes rub them.
For those interested, I went to Cameron at Lock & Key tattoos in Worcester for the touch up. I don't remember the name of the guy who did it originally.
Having already explained my anxiety impulses I feel less awkward telling the story of my fourth tattoo here than I did about explaining to Sammie why I was back again after two weeks. Most of my tattoos have been thought about one way or another for at least a year. I held this one back for a long time just knowing that there would come a day where my impulses told me I 'need to get a tattoo or I'll cryyyyyyyy.' (the voice inside my head sounds just like that she's so winey i swear to god.) I was born on the 23rd September 1998 and the number 23 has always stuck with me. I see it everywhere, I feel positive when it's the 23rd and I just find a lot of comfort in it. I've always known I would get it tattooed and so I saved it for when the winey voice in my head said the time was right. Lydia has become my tattoo buddy and we were sat in Starbucks trying to get out our latest assignment when we just looked at each other and were like, "shall we get tattoos today?"
I have so many tattoos that I want to get done over the next few years because I want to enjoy them while I'm young. I'm going to be saving up for a bigger piece over the summer to get done for my Birthday so I'm super excited to share that with you in a few months! But... you never know there might be a couple in between knowing me. I'm going to finish with this picture of me with a dog that I met when my friend Ray got tattooed because it makes my heart happy.
Thanks for reading if you got to the end. I find other people's tattoo stories really interesting so figured some of you might too. I'm going to link the instagrams of both people who have worked on my tattoos to this point as well as mine. I have a insta-story highlight where I post my tattoos so you can check that out if you fancy and follow me to keep up with the journey.
Sammie: https://www.instagram.com/sammielou_tattoos/
Cameron: https://www.instagram.com/stretchytattoo/
ME: https://www.instagram.com/chloehanks23/